Posted by Barbara on March 18, 1998 at 06:07:12:
In Reply to: Re: catholic women and muslim men posted by Mohamed Ghounem on March 18, 1998 at 00:01:25:
Hi Mohamed,
For some reason you think Christian women get no inheritance.
I think you know better.
: Dear Brother Jochen,
: You wrote;
: : About inheritance issues you can read at my page here.
: _________________
: Mohamed:
: You really are a fasinating person, to this day, I am amazed at you, you whine and point fingers at the fact that Women in Islam recieve inheratance and in the case that if there is one daughter and one son, they get a equal amount {Qur'an 4:11}.
He makes some valid points in the page.
: Yet what makes me so amused is that you don't compare it to the Bible, why is that? Oh, I remember why, :-) is it because the Bible, Widows and Sisters do Not Inherit Any Property or Wealth, Only men do{Numbers 27:1-11}
Was the inheritance guideline in the Bible the most to be given to
daughters, or the least allowed? Were there no other laws that
made provision for women?
And in all the land were no women found so fair as the daughters
of Job: and their father gave them inheritance among their brethren.
Job 42:15.
Job was an upright man. Nowhere is this said to be sinful or
: No wonder you want the women to remain Christian, it's because you want to keep all their money, you want to make sure the son get it all and not the daughter, you want to make sure the widow is dependant on the greedy son that may decide to let her starve.
I don't get this impression of Jochen, or any Christian. How we
treat others is considered as how we treat Christ. See Matthew 25:35--.
I can give you an account of how inheritance is handled in my family.
My brother, myself, his daughter and my daughter will each receive
equal shares. My brother has borrowed money from my parents and
lives on their property, and his portion is cut accordingly.
It would have been equally common to divide it only between my
brother and myself only, but my parents had their reasons, and it was
okay by me anyway.
I sat down with my husband and we together decided I would receive
half and my daughter half should something happen to him.
I don't know of any Christian family that even considers leaving
out a daughter.
: Did you know that the worst person to be prior to Islamic Law 630 AD was a Christian widow? Well, the Qur'an is here to shed light, you know and I know that there is no comparison, there is no reason to hide the Truth.
They forgot to read Acts 6:1-5, then, along with the verse in
Matthew I mentioned, and many others.
This is a weakness in human beings, not the Bible.
: You wrote;
: : Well, look at Egypt and Pakistan. There they are imprisoned,
: : tortured and killed. The fact that this is not possible usually
: : in the West is not an argument about the Islamic law. It is wonderful
: : that Muslims can't enforce this law in the west
: ____________
: Mohamed:
: You have admitted that you have never been to Egypt and I take it you have also never been to Pakastan, I myself have traveled and have seen for myself the Truth, and all I can say is that your coptic media source is decieving you. You can believe what you want, seeing is believing.
And can you say you know all that goes on? Could it be something
that isn't talked about or shown to just anyone?
: You wrote;
: : Things aren't always as rosy as they appear from the mouth of
: : western Muslims.
: ___________
: Mohamed:
: Then why hide the Truth about what the Bible says about women? Click Here for Jochen's Secret :-)
I went to this page and I found it to be very misleading.
It is selective about what verses it chooses to say the least,
and the interpretations attributed to Christianity look
intentionally wrong they are so off-base.
: If it wasn't for those Muslim countries that you demonize, Many more thousands would have been killed by the Christian Nazis, but they saught refuge in the Muslim countries.
Did anyone say Muslims couldn't do something nice?
Both Muslims and Christians helped in this war, didn't they?
Christian Nazis? Is that like a Muslim terrorist?
: The Christian Serbs would have killed and raped thousands more if the Muslim countries didn't stop it, the West let it happen for a decade, I suppose your coptic new source also leaves that out too.
West does not mean Christian.
Wouldn't we both agree that Russians were spiritually starved for
years? Even if these Serbs consider themselves Christian, how do
they know what that means? I have talked to missionaries to Russia
and one told me that when he handed out Bibles, a little girl grasped
hers with tears in her eyes and clutched it very tightly, because
there was not enough even to hand out to everyone. They don't have
the resources and guidance they need.
I'm not saying it was excusable, only that you are being unfair
blaming Christianity for these acts. These actions do not
represent Christianity any more than some acts carried out by
Muslims represent Islam.
: Russia is trying to pass a law that makes it illegal to be a non-Christian, while Islamic Law makes it Lawful to be non-Muslim and gives protection to non-Muslims.
Isn't this law to also prohibit evangelical Christianity? That same
missionary said thay the largest obstacle in the way of building
Baptist churches was the Russian Orthodox church. I believe the
law you mentioned is in favor of this church, along with atheism
and agnosticism. I don't know their motive. You would have to ask them.
Maybe they have been behind the iron curtain too long, too.
: Are you pro-humanity and pro-women's rights? do you believe in Truth. Do you think Allah wants you to lie and hide Turth inorder to promote the Bible?
Is taking scripture out of context similar to or different from hiding
truth? Is hiding verses the same as hiding truth? Do you do your
own research in the Bible? Do you seek out all verses on a topic
and read the context? Do you find out the circumstances the verse
is set in; the people it is addressing; the time; the place?
: Is that what it takes to promote the Bible, According to what I've seen from you, the answer is yes.
I think this is very unfair.
How does Jochen hide the truth of what the Bible says, when I can
read it for myself and so can anyone else? If Christians had their
way every person on the face of the earth would own one.