In the name of God, the most Gracious, the most Merciful. The Koran does not contradict the Bible brother, it compliments the earlier versions of the desciples scriptures. Your article is promoteing seperatism which is a tool of the devil. I especailly recognize your nature when you say we should adore God only 3 times and not 5. Muslim = Christian who chooses not to be ignorant.
I will review your history debat more thourghly at a later time, in the mean time, enjoy! try learning Arabic fore in Islam, it is 1 book, 1 language, 1 God which counters the tools of the devil of misunderstanding which occurs in Christainity since it accepts 12 languages (Babylon), give unity a chance, if you want to feel the true beauty of God, take your shoes off, rince, then bow your head to the ground (closeing your eyes and focusing), say "God is Greater" slowly 3 times, picture all the materialistic and nonmaterialistic animations of the world as you are bowing and then come up you may not do this because your forefathers motivated by the seperatism preaching devil told you not to. Although what can be more beautiful of an act to give to God, and in return God gives us peace, harmony and love, which if you have traveled outside of your secular enviroment, you would clearly see the difference in harmony (unless you believe every thing you hear on T.V.
Dear Brothers and Sisters, in a world of shrunken distances where knowledge is so abundant and so easily available one is somewhat surprised by examples of determined ignorance. By "determined ignorance" is meant not merely the crass insistence on inaccurate information but actual thriving and indulgence in such misinformation. Do you remember what you had for lunch a year ago? In the New Testament book of Acts, there are several speeches of the early disciples which date from the year 33 AD, almost 40 years before ANY of the Four Gospels attributed to Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, were put into writing. In one of those speeches, Jesus is referred to specifically as andra apo tou Theou "a man sent from God"(Acts 2:22) NOT ONCE do these early speeches use the expression wios tou Theou (son of God). They do refer to Jesus several times as God’s servant and prophet (Acts 3:13, 22, 23, 26) as confirmed in the "Koran". LOOK THIS UP= Not until the Nicea Council of 325 AD does the son ship of Jesus and the theory of Trinity appear in Church doctrine. At that time, Christians killed Christians over the new doctrine created by 300 voting bishops who conjured the meaning of Trinity to mean "father, son, and holy spirit" equal to one? Which no one can explain logically because no matter how you try 3 does not equal 1.
Muslims are Christian. We as Muslims follow the teachings of the Messiah, the son of a virgin, and messenger of God to the people of Israel who performed many miracles by Gods leave, which included healing the sick and raising the dead (Koran 3:45-53). Jesus is our teacher: Jesus teaches us that the Old Testament (The Torah) is a book of enlightenment sent from God as confirmed in the Koran. Jesus gave us the Gospel which in Greek is Evangel which means Good News: Life on earth is very short and eternal heaven awaits those who don’t cause mischief, who seek knowledge, associate no partners with God which Jesus who’s language was Aramayic, refereed to God as Allaiyho and the Muslims refer to God as Allah. Muslims accept the enlightenment of Jesus Christ. Our Messiah Jesus and the Torah both prophesies God’s final messenger, prophet Muhammad. Genesis (17:7,8,20) (21:13,18), Isaiah ( 42:1,4,6,11) (28:11) (21:13-17), Deuteronomy (18:17-18), Ezekiel (27:21), John (14:16) Jesus is Telling you to READ the Koran. Popes and Priests are converting to Islam. By saying "I am a Muslim" = you submit your will to God. You are not changing your faith or belief, you are STRENGHTHING your respect for God and Jesus, you pray with your shoes OFF, you rinse from head to toe before praying, there is no tithing, charity goes directly to poor from you from you =(3 %)= of the wheat in the world would feed all those who are starving. There is no "Middle man" in Islam, everyone seeks forgiveness directly to God, there are no segregated Churches (Mosques) in Islam. Dear fellow Christians, we (one billion Muslims) of the world, who are the fastest growing group, who are the majority in 45 countries appeal to your (intelligence and your heart) who both know the truth! On judgment day, no one will be on your side, not your parents, not your preacher, not your rabbi, and if you beg them to come by your side to share in punishment, none will come. God will judge you and you alone, choosing to be ignorant or just following footsteps of those before you is no excuse, God gave you the gift of a mind. God has done beautiful things for you. God put water in and on this earth in measurement so that you can survive Koran: (The Believers), God created the Earth almost oval. Koran: (Those who yearn) God put mountains on the Earth so that the earth crust does not quake with you. Koran: (The Bee). All phenomenon’s and much more that humans discovered less than a few centuries ago while it was written in the Koran over 1,400 years ago. God has done these things for you, the least you can do is Read the Koran, at your local Mosque you can pick up a non tainted one for free.
IT IS CLEAR, those doctrines which the Koran verifies, can be proven to be the teachings of the EARLY disciples, those which the Koran rejects can be proven to be later Church tradition as influenced by the religions and philosophies of pagan Greece and Rome which account for the inaccuracies and contradictions. "Some Bibles state that black people are black because they’re cursed", history shows the hate that arises by being misguided as demonstrated by supremacists, nazis. While some misguided Christians were enslaving humans from Africa and killing those who did not conform. Those who survived the voyage to America were seasoned to believe that they were inferior because of the color of their skin and that Jesus Christ was white, even though the Gospel describes him as black. It is important to have sympathy for the misguided who choose to be ignorant. Islam also means peace which is a natural consequence of total submission to the will of God. Islam co-exisists with science because it is the truth. Many people were hung and burned by misguided Church members for claiming the Earth is not the center of the Universe, for recognizing God’s beautiful charity to us, they were killed by the indulging in ignorance CHURCH. Your creator wrote a book for you to save you & enlighten your heart, mind, & soul, would you read it or remain ignorant, rejecting the gift of enlightenment? The Koran is becoming more and more of a Miracle daily because of the truth within from God. Islam is the Natural religion, it IS humans nature to procreate. The very religious in Catholicism and Christianity practice abstinence. Religion’s intention is not to keep you away from your family. Islam considers it a sin not to procreate. Islam is the first religion to limit the number of wives, and looks upon more than 1 unfavorably, while the New and Old testament allowed unlimited wives. The Koran clarifies that Eve was not the first to pick from the forbidden tree, it was actually Adam who initiated it and they both picked it together. As prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) once said "Go as far as China to seek knowledge.". God says to Jesus in the Koran "Did you tell them to worship you?’ Jesus alive in heaven replies "Glory to you I could never say what I had no right to say"(5:116).