Yet liberal Christian scholars have always been quick to criticise the accuracy and authenticity of the Bible, ascribing most of the Old Testament and portions of the New Testament to myth or later manufacture. In the last century, the tide has turned. Manuscript discoveries and modern archaeology have provided overwhelming corroboration of biblical truths. Most recently, the Egyptologist David Rohl in his book ‘A Test of Time’ has revealed startling research, to revolutionise early Israelite chronology and thrust the beginnings of the Old Testament further from the realms of myth into the pages of world history.
By contrast, the historicity of the Qur’an has never been in dispute, protected by a doctrinal embargo. However, the strongholds are beginning to crumble under the critical fire of contemporary scholarship. The absence of original manuscripts, archaeological findings in direct opposition to the claims of Islam, and the presence in the Qur’an of many borrowed apocryphal stories, biblical half-truths, and gross factual inaccuracies have cast serious doubt on the Qur’an’s authenticity.
History should not require the existence of events for which there is no direct evidence, yet Muslims have consistently failed to produce evidence in defence of these charges. While absolute faith remains their only weapon against critical scholarship, the Qur’an is being toppled from the stage of world history into the realms of mythology.
In this issue we outline major problems with the Qur'an and answer the common accusation ‘Your Bible has been corrupted'. The time of opportunity has come. God's salvation for Muslims is at hand. We have all the facts at our fingertips; are we willing to pray, study and act, to join in shaking the strongholds and in love, bringing our Muslim friends face to face with the true Jesus of history?